On a different note . . . Jody's grandma is still hanging on. Her vitals remain steady though there's been no improvement. She's a fighter and we all keep hoping that maybe we can get one more miracle where she's concerned.
As for the weekend, well, Brandon is escaping to his grandparents house . . . again. Jody is off and we're just going to veg out and watch T.V. Well, he is. I've got papers to do and a report to write for class. Colt is busy tearing everything in the house off the walls in between trying to stick things in the microwave because "I need to cook." If you fix him something, he won't eat it, but he still feels the need to blow up something in the microwave at least once an hour.
And speaking of the little stinker, he taught his father a valuable lesson yesterday. Mama was right. Hunting is very, very annoying. Now, for those of you who don't know yet, I HATE HUNTING. I loathe it. I hate the spider filled deer stands, mosquito filled woods, and billions of deer horns that my guys continually drag into the house and insist on putting onto my walls. I hate watching the demon-like beady eyes of the stuffed deer head mounts that creepily watch you as you go about your daily chores. I hate opening my dryer to find that it's been infested with "dirt smell" from the dryer tabs that my hunters use to keep the deer from smelling them. But the thing I hate the most is having to wait on the guys to get back from the hunting or checking cameras or checking out their hunting spots because I want to go out somewhere and they insist on coming too, but also insist they need to do the "guy stuff" first.
Jody has never understood how much of a pain it is when someone insists on doing that when you have other things you'd much rather be doing. But Colt gave him a good feel for it yesterday. It all started when Colt decided to go ride his electric 4-wheeler that he got for his birthday. Well, we figured we'd trail behind him and watch him. We got him outside and put him on the thing and he takes off. He's speeding (at a whopping 3 miles per hour) across the yard and heads up the small trail that runs by our house.
Of course I had to go change into my tennis shoes so that I could go through the woods with them, but imagine my surprise when I get out there and they're GONE. I knew Jody had him so I came back inside and amused myself with a book. About 30 minutes later Jody carries a kicking and screaming 3-year-old into the house. He wasn't done. His dad was.
Apparently I should be really glad that I missed it. The ride started out okay. He went through the loop, then back and up through the high line, then he stops and says, "Where is the deer camera?" Jody tells him there's no camera out right now, so he jumps back on and takes off. He travels a huge trail through the land next to ours. He stops again. "I need to check the deer feeder." Again, no go. Not that time of year. Here they go again. Now, remember, Jody is walking the WHOLE time and it's hot and humid and mosqu

But all in all three good lessons were learned. #1 - Jody's learned to take his own 4 wheeler with them when Colt goes riding. #2 - I've learned not to offer to let him in the yard unless his daddy's there to follow him, and #3 - I've learned that he's finally old enough to participate in the hunting stuff and so his daddy can't say he's too small to take this year. (Woo hoo! Three whole months of guy stuff which leaves me hours and hours of reading time!) Hmm . . . maybe I don't hate hunting so much after all.
Hope everyone has a great Friday and a super weekend!
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